Cytoplan L-Glutamine Free Form Amino Acid 100g

Cytoplan L-Glutamine Free Form Amino Acid 100g

Brand Name Cytoplan
Product Name Cytoplan L-Glutamine Free Form Amino Acid 100g
Product ID CY-2182
Categories: Amino Acids, Cytoplan
Availability: In Stock
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The amino acid Glutamine may be helpful for maintaining a healthy digestive system and for healthy immunity. Glutamine is stored in the muscles of the body and is involved in supporting the building of new muscle. It is often used as a support to muscle recovery after exercise.

  • Ingredients: Pure crystalline free-form L-glutamine

This product is suitable for the following requirements:

  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian

Daily Intake Amount: One heaped teaspoon

Ingredient Amount % NRV*
Glutamine 5

* NRV is the Nutrient Reference Value

✝ NRV not yet established

    This product is hypoallergenic / does not contain any of the 14 major allergens listed in Annex II (1169/2011) of the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation.

  • Weight/Volume (grammes/ml): 100g
  • Directions: 1 to 5 grams daily taken in divided doses, ideally half an hour away from food or at bedtime. This slightly sweet powder can be stirred into water or juice or sprinkled on food. If being used to support exercise recovery, it should be taken within two hours of completion of exercise and the dose for this use can be raised to 10g, or take as directed by a practitioner. A quarter level teaspoon typically provides 1g L-Glutamine. A heaped teaspoonful provides 5g.
  • Additional Warnings: People with cancer should consult their doctor before taking L-Glutamine.
  • Certified Glutenfree
  • Certified Vegan
  • Certified Vegetarian
  • Glutenfree
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian