Holistic Horizons (Robert Gray) Special Formula Bulking Agent 340g

Holistic Horizons (Robert Gray) Special Formula Bulking Agent 340g

Most of the (unhealthy) foods eaten today form mucoid (slimy) substances in the whole intestinal tract. These mucoid substances accumulate into a build-up of stagnant matter in the intestines. Stagnant matter can block proper elimination, inhibit proper absorption of nutrients and serve as a breeding ground for germs and parasites. The result is a pollution of blood and lymph and thereby a poisoning of the entire system. This causes a chronic drain on health and vitality which may seem normal and unavoidable because it is always present and affects almost everybody one knows. However, it is possible with the Robert Gray Intestinal Cleansing Program to remove this accumulation of stagnant waste material, which otherwise would never leave the bodies of most people. Many people who have performed this program have experienced extensive improvements in vigour, vitality, and overall health.
Pysillium Husk 90% Dandelion Root Cloves Calcium Pantothenate (Vitamin B5)