Specialist Herbal Supplies (SHS) Ashwagandha 100's

Specialist Herbal Supplies (SHS) Ashwagandha 100's

Brand Name Specialist Herbal Supplies (SHS)
Product Name Specialist Herbal Supplies (SHS) Ashwagandha 100's
Product ID SHS-C21-100
Availability: In Stock
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Ashwagandha is known as an 'adaptogen', a natural agent that may help the body to cope with stress as well as increasing energy levels and creating a general sense of wellbeing.

  • Ingredients: Ashwagandha root 275mg minimum per vegan capsule
  • Directions: One capsule, three times a day, taken with food or a drink. If desired, up to twice this amount can safely be taken.
  • Additional Warnings: Do not use if you have an auto-immune disease.