Cherry Active (Rebranded Active Edge) BlueberryActive Concentrated Blueberry Juice 237ml

Cherry Active (Rebranded Active Edge) BlueberryActive Concentrated Blueberry Juice 237ml


BlueberryActive is a 100% premium quality blueberry concentrate. As with our other concentrates there are no added sugars, sweeteners or preservatives. BlueberryActive Concentrate is rich in antioxidants and a single serving of 30ml contains the concentrated juice of approximately 185 blueberries – which is about the same amount in 2 supermarket punnets!

This 237ml bottle makes approximately 8 glasses of diluted blueberry juice.

BlueberryActive Concentrate is chosen by health-conscious and active consumers that appreciate the benefits of premium quality nutrition. Blueberries are subject to ongoing research into their beneficial, active nutrients.