Aqua Oleum Laurel Leaf 10ml

Aqua Oleum Laurel Leaf 10ml


100% pure essential oil. Fresh, spicy-medicinal scent. Blends well with lavender, juniper, cypress and spice oils. Key benefits: Popular men's fragrance, good for hair care.

  • Ingredients: Laurus Nobilis Linnaeus (Croatia), steam distilled from the leaves

This product is suitable for the following requirements:

  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • Directions: Bath: 5-10 drops. Vaporiser: 3-5 drops. Body and massage: 5 drops/10ml base oil. Tips: A classic after-shave scent for blends.
  • Additional Warnings: Do not take internally. Avoid contact with eyes. Seek advice if pregnant. Not suitable for babies.