Bodytox Natural Warm Patches Trial Pack of 2

Bodytox Natural Warm Patches Trial Pack of 2


Natural Warm Patches use a combination of natural ingredients, including semi-precious tourmaline crystal and worldwide patented microcapsules containing warm heat pigments which deliver the effects of far infrared energy (FIR) to the target area.

  • Ingredients: Microcapsule, Tourmaline, Agaricus, Eucalyptus Oil, Loquat Extract (Japanese medlar), Vitamin C, Chitosan, Pollysacharride, Topical Starch
    Contains shellfish
  • Quantity: 2
  • Directions: Application to the body - Apply the patches to the target area pressing and holding them firmly to secure. Apply more patches as required to cover the area but be careful not to apply the patches to a moist surface or to overlap the patches adhesive as this can cause the patches to become dislodged. Keep patches applied for a maximum of 12 hours. Application to the Feet - Apply the Bodytox® Natural Warm Patches horizontally across the sole of each foot, pressing firmly to secure them. Patches should be left on for between 5 and 12 hours and normally during sleep time. A new one should be applied the next time you go to bed.
  • Additional Warnings: The patches are not to be applied to open wounds. Discontinue in the event of an allergic reaction.