Whenever summertime rolls around many people begin to worry about getting their body bikini-ready. Of course, every body is bikini-ready! Whoever wants to don a swimsuit and enjoy the beach should be able to, regardless of what some Daily Mail columnists believe (yes that would be you, Linda Kelsey). For some people though, this focus on appearance can be a great motivational tool to get healthy and to lose some unwanted body weight. The tricky thing with weight loss is that being skinny doesn't always equate to better health and, alas, the more weight you lose the harder it is to lose more weight! This is why the careful use of natural weight loss supplements like green tea can offer real benefits for healthy and sustainable slimming. Factors in Weight-Loss There are so many factors involved in weight management and pretty much everyone now knows that a simple calories-in calories-out model of weight loss doesn't really add up. Instead, if you're looking to achieve and maintain a healthy weight you'll need to take into account:
- Poor diet and overeating
- Lack of (the right) exercise
- Insulin resistance and blood glucose control
- Inflammation
- Genetics
- Age
- Sex
- Stress and lack of sleep
- Medications and their side effects
- Environmental toxins.
- Increased energy
- Improvements in cardiovascular health
- Better mood and emotional wellbeing
- Enhanced immune function
- Reduced inflammation
- Pain relief.