Natren Probiotics Megadophilus Dairy Free 85g Powder

Natren Probiotics Megadophilus Dairy Free 85g Powder

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Natren Megadophilus® provides 2 billion colony forming units of Lactobacillus acidophilus. Megadophilus Lactobacillus acidophilus prefer to reside along the walls of the small intestine, where most of the digestive process takes place. Acidophilus is also a resident beneficial bacteria in the oral cavity, vaginal tract, and part of the urinary system. Available in dairy, or vegetarian/vegan appropriate dairy free formulas.

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Megadophilus ® is step one in Natren's three-step custom friendly bacteria replenish system (Healthy Start® System). This Lactobacillus acidophilus product provides support to the small intestine. Natren Megadophilus protects your stomach and small intestine by producing natural antibacterial substances that help destroy invading hostile bacteria. Megadophilus provides 2 billion colony forming units (cfu) of beneficial bacteria per serving. The dairy free formula is cultured with Lactobacillus acidophilus, NAS super strain. Megadophilus super strains reside along the small intestine walls, where most of the digestive process takes place. They help acidify the intestinal tract to promote a healthy digestive environment. Megadophilus works to support your small intestine: Optimizes digestion. Aids oral health. Promotes healthy immunity. Aids lactose metabolism and enhances digestion of milk products. Helps alleviate occasional gas, bloating and upper GI problems. Produces hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), found necessary to inhibit vaginal and intestinal yeasts. Helps stimulate regularity. Helps maintain normal cholesterol levels. Potency guaranteed through printed expiration date. Researched, formulated and manufactured only by Natren. Nutritional Actions:

  • Nutritionally helps deter yeast overgrowth (candida).
  • Helps to stimulate regularity.
  • Aids in lactose metabolism and enhances digestion of milk products.
  • May improve nutrient absorption.
  • May deter intestinal distress.
  • Helps normalize elimination problems.
  • Helps acidify the intestinal tract, creating a hostile environment for undesirable bacteria.
  • May block the attachment of bad bacteria in the urinary tract, including the vagina.
  • Helps alleviate gas, bloating and upper gastrointestinal problems.
  • Produces H2O2 - found necessary to inhibit vaginal yeast.
  • Neutralizes the formation of toxins.
  • Assists in cholesterol management.

Viable Lactobacillus acidophilus (live bacteria), NAS adhesion super strain on a culture base of organically grown garbanzo bean (chick-pea) extract, cellulose powder and dehydrated potato powder in a veggie capsule.

100% potency guaranteed through the printed expiration date when stored under the conditions stated on the label.

DAIRY FREE - Powder in Veggie Capsules

Lactobacillus acidophilus, NAS, 2 billion cfu per capsule

Step Two in Natren's three-step custom Healthy Start System: Bifido Factor®
Step Three in Natren's three-step custom probiotic Healthy Start System: Digesta-Lac®

Take 1 capsule daily or one gram (approx. 1/2 level teaspoon) daily mixed with 6 oz. unchilled, filtered (chlorine-free) water, preferably before meals to optimize digestion. May repeat throughout the day as desired, or increase amounts and frequency as deemed necessary.

Optimally, take with Natren®'s Bifido Factor® and Digesta-Lac® as part of the Natren Healthy Start® System. Remember, always refrigerate Natren probiotic products. Do not freeze or put in direct sunlight.

Natren supplements should be taken at least 2 hours after consuming herbs (i.e., garlic and echinacea) and prescription drugs such as antibiotics. Some herbs, and all antibiotics, will eliminate not only undesirable, but beneficial bacteria as well.