A Vogel (BioForce) Emergency Bioforce Animal Health 30ml

A Vogel (BioForce) Emergency Bioforce Animal Health 30ml

Brand Name A Vogel (BioForce)
Product Name A Vogel (BioForce) Emergency Bioforce Animal Health 30ml
Product ID AV-81003
Categories: A Vogel (BioForce)
Availability: In Stock
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Emergency Essence can be used to provide support after acute or critical events or to relax an animal prior to a distressing event e.g. travel, fireworks, vet or farrier visits, horse shows, re-homing or loss of owner. This fast-acting remedy can help to calm and provide relief for the animal.

  • Ingredients: Tincture of the flowers of Bluebells, Star of Bethlehem, Aspen, Cherry Plum, Clematis, Elm, Impatiens, Mimulus, Oak, Olive, Orange Hawkweed, Rock Rose, Walnut, Water Violet. Alcohol content approx. 27%(v/v).

This product is suitable for the following requirements:

  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • Directions: This Bach Flower blend is designed for use with all types of animals. Fitting easily into the daily routine, it is easy to administer; just add to food or drinking water. Small Animals: (eg. birds, hamsters etc) four drops in food/water three times daily until bottle is finished. Medium Animals: (eg. cats, dogs, rabbits) seven drops in food/water three times daily until bottle is finished. Large Animals: (eg. horses) 12 drops in food/water three times daily until bottle is finished.
  • Additional Warnings: If the animal is pregnant or lactating please seek professional advice before using this product. Not for human consumption. Flower essences are not a substitute for correct veterinary care.