Aqua Oleum Sweet Fennel 10ml

Aqua Oleum Sweet Fennel 10ml

Brand Name Aqua Oleum
Product Name Aqua Oleum Sweet Fennel 10ml
Categories: Aqua Oleum
Availability: In Stock
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100% pure essential oil. Sweet, anise-like scent. Blends well with geranium, rose, lavender and spice oils. Key benefits: Invigorating, toning and stimulating.

  • Ingredients: Foeniculum Vulgare (Bulgaria), steam distilled from freshly crushed seeds

This product is suitable for the following requirements:

  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • Directions: Bath: 5-10 drops. Vaporiser: 3-5 drops. Body and massage: 5 drops/10ml base oil. Tip: Similar to aniseed in odour and effect.
  • Additional Warnings: Do not take internally. Avoid contact with eyes. Seek advice if pregnant. Not suitable for babies.