Fushi Lavender Organic Essential Oil 9ml

Fushi Lavender Organic Essential Oil 9ml


The scent of Fushi Lavender essential oil calms the senses and creates a relaxing atmosphere.

  • Ingredients: Organic Lavender Oil - Organic Oil of Lavandula angustifolia, principal constituents: Linalyl acetate, linalol, lavandulol, lavanduly acetate, terpineol, cineol, limonene, ocimene, caryophyllene extraction method steam distillation of the flowers 
    Type - Certified Organic Origin - Western Europe Certified Organic by the Soil Association Licence No: DA22368

This product is suitable for the following requirements:

  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian

    This product is hypoallergenic / does not contain any of the 14 major allergens listed in Annex II (1169/2011) of the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation.

  • Weight/Volume (grammes/ml): 5
  • Directions: Baths: Blend five to eight drops in a teaspoon of carrier oil, add to bath. Massages: Add two to three drops of essential oils to three tablespoons of carrier oil. Vaporisation: Add two to four drops of essential oil as well as a few tablespoons of water to your oil burner.
  • Additional Warnings: Never use an undiluted essential oil directly on the skin. Always dilute in a suitable base product.
  • Certified Organic
  • Certified Vegan
  • Certified Vegetarian
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian