Salcura's unique award-winning Bioskin Junior Outbreak Rescue Cream is designed for those little ones whose skin needs a little more protection and hydration. Rescue Cream will soothe and support dry, itchy and irritated skin.
This product is hypoallergenic / does not contain any of the 14 major allergens listed in Annex II (1169/2011) of the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation.
Directions: 1. Apply at least 3-4 times a day initially onto the affected areas.
2. Reduce this application frequency as the symptoms subside.
3. When skin has returned to relative normality, continue using the product to top the skin up with the Rescue Cream's vital nutrients at least 2-3 times per week. This should keep the symptoms controlled.
4. Suitable for applying to the face, but be careful around the eyes and other sensitive areas. A tingling sensation may be experienced at first but this should subside quickly - it means the product is working!
It is advised to use Rescue Cream in conjunction with Bioskin Junior Daily Nourishing Spray for more severe cases or dry and allergy-prone skin. Apply the Cream shortly AFTER the Spray liquid has sunk into the skin.
Additional Warnings: A patch test is recommended with every new skincare.
Salcura have never received any negative feedback with the use of their products during pregnancy. However if you know you are intolerant or allergic to any of the (natural) ingredients in these products consult your GP first.